- Sponsorship Review Tool: The first tool focuses on the sponsorship part of the application. It automatically assesses routine cases for approval, allowing officers to concentrate on more complex cases. If the tool does not automatically approve a sponsorship, it is sent to an officer for a detailed manual review.
- Principal Applicant Review Tool: The second tool enhances the processing of the principal applicant’s eligibility. It identifies routine applications for streamlined processing, enabling quicker decisions on eligibility. After this initial assessment, the application is forwarded to an officer who evaluates the applicant’s admissibility to Canada and makes the final decision. Non-routine applications are sent for manual review.
IRCC is committed to using data-driven technologies responsibly, with strict adherence to privacy requirements and human rights protections. The tools undergo regular reviews to ensure they function as intended and deliver consistent results, comparable to those from a full manual review.
As part of this commitment, an Algorithmic Impact Assessment (AIA) was conducted to evaluate the tools used for processing overseas spousal and partner applications. The assessment categorized the impact level as moderate and implemented several safeguards to mitigate potential risks. These include reviews for potential discriminatory impacts, a Gender-Based Analysis Plus, and a comprehensive quality assurance plan. Privacy and security measures are integral to the tools’ design, and officers have the authority to overturn any tool-generated decisions if necessary.
Monarch Immigration Consultancy Services